Legal information

The content of this site has been prepared for informational purposes only. Epiconcept is not held responsible for any damage that may result from the good or bad use or interpretation of the information contained in this site.

This information may be corrected or updated at any time at our discretion. We are not held responsible for the consequences that could be linked to the lack of knowledge of these corrections or updates.

Our site offers links to partner sites. We are not responsible for and do not guarantee the content of these sites. We do not guarantee the respect, by these sites, of the intellectual or industrial property rights held by third parties.

Publisher of the site:

Epiconcept SAS with a capital of 150 euros, Tel: (000) 33 01 53 02 40, whose registered office is located at 60, rue Titon, 27 Paris. RCS Paris B 75011 403 931 553, Code APE 00024Z, VAT FR6201 55403 931 553

Publication Director :

Mr. Guillaume JEANNEROD

Host :

OVH, whose head office is located at 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France

Website created by:

SARL SYSTALIUM, whose head office is located at 11 rue Jean Giono – 21000 Dijon – France

Privacy Policy

Personal data :

Personal data policy

Epiconcept is committed to respecting and protecting personal data. We undertake to define and apply the appropriate security measures to process and protect your personal data. In order to ensure the proper application of its commitments, Epiconcept has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) who is the privileged relay on these subjects.

Epiconcept has implemented a confidentiality and personal data protection policy in order to regulate the compliance of the processing of personal data implemented by Epiconcept, defined below, and respect for the rights of the persons concerned. Our policy refers to the General Regulations for Data Protection as well as to the Data Protection Act.

Epiconcept is the Data Controller with respect to the data collected on its website.

The user of this site (hereinafter referred to as "User") is informed by these legal notices that, when browsing the site (hereinafter referred to as "Site"), personal data concerning him is collected and processed by Epiconcept.

The User of the Site is informed that his data:

  • are collected in a fair and lawful manner,
  • are collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes,
  • will not be further processed in a manner incompatible with these purposes,
  • are adequate, relevant and not excessive with regard to the purposes for which they are collected and their subsequent processing,
  • are accurate and complete,
  • are kept in a form allowing the identification of the persons concerned for a period which does not exceed the period necessary for the purposes for which they are collected and processed.

Purpose of data processing on our Site

The processing of data collected on our Website pursues the following purposes: 

  • facilitate our exchanges with the User as part of our management of customers, partners, prospects and candidates;
  • respond to User requests expressed via forms or by using the means of contact available on the Epiconcept Website;
  • respond to User applications for a position within Epiconcept;
  • contact the User for the purpose of commercial prospecting, communication of information or invitation to events if you have authorized us to do so in the newsletter registration forms;
  • facilitate user navigation and develop statistics for the use of the Epiconcept Site.

Legal bases for processing

Epiconcept implements this processing on its Website according to legal bases in accordance with the General Regulations for Data Protection and the Data Protection Act. These legal bases are as follows: 

  • The legitimate interest in responding to requests sent by the User of the SITE;
  • Consent for prospecting activities, and the use of certain cookies;
  • Consent for processing activities for job applications within Epiconcept

Data collected

The User data collected by Epiconcept on its Site includes the following categories:

  • Identity (e.g. surnames, first names, contact details);
  • Personal and professional life (from the CV submitted during an application;
  • Location data (IP address);
  • Connection and activity data (cookies, etc.).

Security of personal data processing

Epiconcept undertakes to determine and implement the means and measures necessary to protect the personal data processed, in particular to prevent any access by an unauthorized third party and to prevent any loss, alteration or disclosure of data.

Subcontracting and data transfers

To process the personal data collected on its website, Epiconcept relies on subcontractors and third-party tools. Some processing may lead to transfers outside the European Union. Where applicable, Epiconcept ensures that these transfers are governed by legal mechanisms that comply with the GDPR.

SubcontractingFeaturesCountryLegal guarantees
MAILCHIMPSending of the newsletter or commercial mailings by the sales teams of Epiconcept in FranceHeadquarters: United StatesStandard contractual clauses
GOOGLE ANALYTICSWebsite usage statisticsHeadquarters: United StatesStandard contractual clauses
SYSTALIUMSite development and hostingHeadquarters: FranceStandard contractual clauses
OVHSite hostingFranceStandard contractual clauses

Information of people and exercise of people's rights

The User, after proving his identity, can question Epiconcept in order to obtain confirmation that personal data concerning him are or are not the subject of this processing, information relating to the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data processed and to the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the data are communicated, the communication of the personal data concerning him as well as any information available as to the origin of the same, the information allowing to know and contest the logic underlying the automated processing in the event of a decision taken on the basis of it and producing legal effects with regard to it.

The User may also, if he proves his identity, require Epiconcept to rectify, complete, update, lock or erase any personal data concerning him which is inaccurate, incomplete, ambiguous, outdated, or whose collection, use, disclosure or retention is prohibited.

In order to exercise this right, the User will send a letter to Epiconcept 27, rue Titon, 75011 Paris or an email to

Intellectual property :

The elements appearing on this site, such as images, photographs, videos, writings, animations, programs, graphic charter, utilities, databases, software, are protected by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code and belong to Epiconcept.

The user is prohibited from infringing the intellectual property rights relating to these elements and in particular from reproducing, representing, modifying, adapting, translating, extracting and/or reusing a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part thereof, exclusion of acts necessary for their normal and compliant use.

Cookies Policy:

In order to offer you a better user experience, a few cookies are used. By browsing our site, you accept its cookie policy.

A cookie is a very small file, saved on your computer, which contains a few lines of text. This text file contains information about your visit, information that helps provide you with a better experience of the site.

We use Google Analytics software, which creates 4 cookies that allow us to better understand how our visitors navigate: pages viewed, time spent, etc., always with a view to improving the content of our site. These statistics are global, and no individual data is recorded. See how Google uses certain data collected when you use the sites or applications of these partners

Cookies can be disabled at any time. Your internet browser is also able to notify you of the cookies that are stored on your device and ask you to accept them or not. You can accept or refuse cookies on a case-by-case basis or refuse them systematically. In order to manage cookies, you must configure your internet browser.

Central purchasing referencing

Health data hosting

We are Health Data Host (HDS) of a personal nature since 2012 with ISO 27001/HDS certification since 2019.

More information

Commitment and ethics

Discover our commitments and values ​​in our charter