Surveillance data management & Biostatistics

The epidemiology department provides data management and biostatistics services applied to surveillance data of communicable diseases.

The team coordinates several projects providing expertise, analyzing data, developing scripts (for R, STATA, EpiInfo, etc.), developing and delivering training materials, writing protocols or guidance documents.

Team Activities

  • Development of automated data management tools in R and STATA, such as data quality indicators for monitoring data within TESSy.
  • Development of scripts in R and/or STATA for automated analysis of surveillance data within TESSy (eg, HIV, Hepatitis B and C, STI) and for automated reports (eg, Salmonellosis signal detection reports, West Nile Virus and Legionnaires' disease surveillance reports). Either as standalone analysis or included into a larger framework (eg, Zika and travelers data joint analysis, the Epidemiological Validation Report generated on the EpiPulse portal).
  • Development of R packages available on the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) as tools to support surveillance (ie, epitweetr, EpiReport, Correctionnalisation)
  • Literature reviews (eg, cluster detection methods), development of technical guidance (eg Guidance on
    managing heterogeneity when pooling surveillance data from different countries; Guidance for trend analysis of pooled surveillance data), and implementation of new statistical methods such as a method for detection of changes in time series (eg COVID-19 indicators),
  • Developing and delivering training materials in R or STATA (eg, various on-line R trainings for ECDC staff; basic and intermediate R training for epidemiologists and data managers of the ECDC Epidemic Intelligence team).

Epiconcept Supports

Our teams of epidemiologists, biostatisticians and scientists have been supporting the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) in their analyzes of surveillance data within The European Surveillance System (TESSy) or the Epidemic Intelligence Information System (EPIS) platforms.

Our Epiconcept projects in Surveillance data management & Biostatistics


Near-real-time interactive maps of Aedes-borne viral disease outbreak risk

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EpiReport & EpiSignalDetection

Development of R packages as tool to support monitoring

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Guidance document for data pooling

Managing heterogeneity when pooling data from different surveillance systems

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Joint Analysis of travelers and Legionnaires' disease data

R scripts to support surveillance of Legionnaires' disease data and produce automated analyzes and reports

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Central purchasing referencing

Health data hosting

We are Health Data Host (HDS) of a personal nature since 2012 with ISO 27001/HDS certification since 2019.

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