Project description
The development of guidance to support countries to develop a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework for their National Action Plan (NAP) on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR).
Context situation
The M&E framework of the Global Action Plan (GAP) was published in 2019 which proposes 18 outcome indicators and 23 process indicators to monitor and evaluate the five strategic objectives in NAP/GAP. The project aimed to support countries by developing guidance to monitor available indicators and proposed alternative indicators that build upon existing national reporting systems.
Project activities
Development of guidance
A review of relevant documents and data sources informed the development of guidance.
Piloting of guidance
The guidance was piloted in two country visits and remote support for a further four countries. The feedback from the piloting enabled further consolidation of the guidance.
Finalization of guidance document
The final guidance recommended indicators in the global M&E framework and proposed alternative indicators for each of the key strategic objectives of the GAP graded according to the status of implementation of NAP: NAP launch stage (A); early – intermediate implementation stage (B); and advanced level of implementation (C).