Project description

The objectives of the project were to strengthen COVID-19 surveillance at primary care and hospital level, to identify risk factors for COVID-19 hospitalization and to measure COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness at primary care and hospital level.

Context situation

In the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, 22 institutions (public health institutes, national reference laboratories, primary care sentinel surveillance networks, hospitals) from 12 European countries came together to build the I-MOVE-COVID-19 consortium. Under the Epiconcept coordination, the Consortium organized its activities in work packages: 1/ primary care surveillance, 2/ hospital network surveillance, 3/ Risk factors and vaccine effectiveness studies.

Project activities

Strengthening COVID-19 primary care surveillance

development of a generic surveillance protocol, analysis of surveillance data, evaluation of the surveillance network.

Strengthening COVID-19 at hospital level

development of a generic surveillance protocol, analysis of surveillance data, evaluation of the surveillance network.

Study on risk factors for severe COVID-19

multicentre cohort study measuring the risk of severe COVID-19 among patients hospitalized for COVID-19.

COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness studies (at hospital and primary care level)

Multicenter studies using a test-negative design to measure the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines

    Scientific publications

    Enhanced surveillance of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Europe: an evaluation of the I-MOVE-COVID-19 surveillance network

    Young JJ, Mutch H, Pink AMC, Evans JMM; European COVID-19 Hospital Evaluation Writing Group

    Eur J Public Health. 2024 Feb 5;34(1):181-189. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckad185. PMID: 37889597; PMCID: PMC10843949.

    Available here

    Enhanced surveillance of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Europe: I-MOVE-COVID-19 surveillance network, February 2020 to December 2021

    Mutch H, Young JJ, Sadiq F, Pink AMC, Evans JMM, on behalf of the European COVID-19 hospital surveillance analysis writing group

    Euro Surveillance 2023;28(26):pii=2200669

    Available here

    Enhanced surveillance of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Europe: an evaluation of the I-MOVE-COVID-19 surveillance network, European Journal of Public Health, 2023

    Johanna J Young, Heather Mutch, Angela MC Rose, Josie MM Evans, the European COVID-19 Hospital Evaluation Writing Group


    Available here

    Effectiveness of complete primary vaccination against COVID-19 at primary care and community level during predominant Delta circulation in Europe: multicenter analysis, I-MOVE-COVID-19 and ECDC networks

    Kissling E, Hooiveld M, Martínez-Baz, Mazagatos C, William N, Vilcu AM, Kooijman MN, Ilić M, Domegan L, Machado A, de Lusignan S, Lazar M, Meijer A, Brytting M, Casado I, Larrauri A, Murray JL K, Behillil S, de Gier B, Mlinarić I, O'Donnell J, Rodrigues AP, Tsang R, Timnea O, de Lange M, Riess M, Castilla J, Pozo F, Hamilton M, Falchi A, Knol MJ, Kurečić Filipović S, Dunford L, Guiomar R, Cogdale J, Cherciu C Jansen T, Enkirch T, Basile L, Connell J, Gomez V Sandonis Martín V, Bacci S, Rose AMC, Pastore Celentano L, Valenciano M, I-MOVE-COVID-19 and ECDC primary care study teams

    July to August 2021. Euro Surveillance. 2022;27(21):pii=2101104

    Available here

    Vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection in adults aged 65 years and older in primary care: I-MOVE-COVID-19 project

    Kissling E, Hooiveld M, Sandonis Martín V, Martínez-Baz I, William N, Vilcu AM, Mazagatos C, Domegan L, de Lusignan S, Meijer A, Machado A, Brytting M, Casado I, Murray JL K., Belhillil S, Larrauri A, O'Donnell J, Tsang R, de Lange M, Rodrigues AP, Riess M, Castilla J, Hamilton M, Falchi A, Pozo F, Dunford L, Cogdale J, Jansen T, Guiomar R, Enkirch T, Burgui C, Sigerson D, Blanchon T, Martínez Ochoa EM, Connell J, Ellis J, van Gageldonk-Lafeber R, Kislaya I, Rose A MC, Valenciano M, I-MOVE-COVID-19 primary care study team.

    Europe, December 2020 to May 2021. Euro Surveillance. 2021;26(29):pii=2100670

    Available here

    Absence of association between 2019-20 influenza vaccination and COVID-19: Results of the European I-MOVE-COVID-19 primary care project, March-August 2020.

    Kissling E, Hooiveld M, Brytting M, Vilcu AM, de Lange M, Martínez-Baz I, Sigerson D, Enkirch T, Belhillil S, Meijer A, Castilla J, William N, Carnahan A, Falchi A, Hendriksen J, Casado I, Murray J, Enouf V, Dijkstra F, Marques DFP, Valenciano M

    Influenza Other Respiratory Viruses. 2021 Jul;15(4):429-438. doi: 10.1111/irv.12839. Epub 2021 Jan 22. PMID: 33481344; PMCID: PMC8013620.

    Available here

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