Hepatitis B and C monitoring

Project description

Sentinel surveillance to monitor Hepatitis B and C epidemiology and treatment

Context situation

The aim was to pilot and evaluate a sentinel surveillance system to montori Hepatitis B and C epidemiology and treatment. Seven hospital sites participated in the study from three countries (Croatia, Romania and Spain).

Project activities

Feasibility assessment and protocol development

Epiconcept conducted a feasibility assessment of pilot surveillance objectives and methods through a quantitative survey of EU/EEA National Focal Points and semi-structured interviews with key informants. The team developed a generic protocol to monitor Hepatitis B and C epidemiology and treatment outcomes.

Identification of pilot sites and implementation of generic protocol for each site

The generic protocol was adapted and implemented in seven hospital sites in three countries (Croatia, Romania and Spain). The generic protocol was for a retrospective enhanced data collection on patients presenting at participating clinics.

Data collection for the evaluation

Clinical records of patients that conformed to the European Union case definitions of chronic hepatitis B or C and who presented for the first time between 1 January 2019 and 30 June 2019 were reviewed from date of first attendance through to 31 December 2019. Data were collected on socio-demography, clinical history, laboratory results, treatment and treatment outcomes.

Assessment report

Summarizing the evaluation data and recommendation in a report submitted and discussed with ECDC. 

    Scientific publications

    A pilot sentinel surveillance system to monitor treatment and treatment outcomes of chronic hepatitis B and C infections in clinical centers in three European countries, 2019

    Nardone A, Nerlander L, Duffell E, Valenciano M, Buti M, Marcos-Fosch C, Nemeth-Blažić T, Popovici O, Vince A, Filip PV, Filipec T, Kosanović Ličina ML, Luksic B, Nonković D, Pop CS, Radu F , Teodorescu I, Topan AV.

    Euro Surveillance 2023 Feb;28(6):2200184. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2023.28.6.2200184. PMID: 36757314; PMCID: PMC9912376

    Available here

    A pilot sentinel surveillance system to monitor treatment and treatment outcomes of chronic hepatitis B and C infections in European centers in 2019.

    Nardone A, Dutcher L, Duffell E, Valenciano M, Buti M, Marcos-Fosch C, Nemeth-Blažić T, Popovici O, Vince V, Filip PV, Kanizaj TF, Flachet L, Kosanović ML, Luksic B, Merdrignac L, Nonković D, Pop CS, Radu F, Teodorescu I & Topan AV

    Submitted Eurosurveillance

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