EpiReport & EpiSignalDetection

Project description

  • The EpiSignalDetection R package is a tool for detection of epidemiological signals.
  • The EpiReport R package is a tool that allows the user to draft an epidemiological report similar to the ECDC Annual Epidemiological Report in Microsoft Word format for a given disease.

Context situation

Both R packages are publicly available on the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) or ECDC GitHub public repositories:

  • EpiSignalDetection
  • EpiReport

Project activities

Plans of analysis

The team developed plans of analysis for each project and analysis.

CRAN submission

The team realized all checks and adaptations necessary to CRAN submission. Maintenance is ensured to make sure both packages remain available on the CRAN.


Epiconcept developed the R scripts for both analysis and wrapped the code into standardized R packages. 

    Scientific publications

    EpiReport: Epidemiological report, R package, [software application]

    Stockholm: European Center for Disease Prevention and Control; 2018

    version 0.1.0

    Available here

    EpiSignalDetection: Signal Detection Analysis, R package, [software application]

    Stockholm: European Center for Disease Prevention and Control; 2018

    version 0.1.1

    Available here

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