The prevention health suite


Simple and intuitive vaccination management

Vaxi is a simple and complete software allowing hospital, municipal or departmental vaccination centers to manage compulsory, professional and international vaccination of the population. Combining the vaccine recommendations of with simple and intuitive stock management, it equips many centers in mainland France and in overseas departments, regions and communities.

    Organization of vaccination sessions

    Advance planning of patients via an appointment module and management of patient reception with the waiting room

    Vaccination recommendations

    Proposal of vaccinations based on the vaccination calendar updated in real time via

    Vaccine scanning and inventory management

    Software compatible with vaccine box readers allowing information to be entered automatically and stocks to be updated

    +500 vaccines injected each year in France on VAXI

    Vaccines injected in 2021 in Metropolitan France + DROM-COM

    Stat Tracking
    Time Saving

      The advantages of the Prevention Health Suite

      A listening team

      • Personalized support when setting up
      • User Support qualified and responsive
      • Participation in software developments via a User Club

      A smooth migration

      • Solution full-web SaaS (regular developments, transparent for users and free of charge)
      • Intuitive Installation without technical prerequisites on workstations
      • Recovery of your patient data

      Secure health data

      • Software accessible securely and hosted on HDS approved servers

      Interfaces connected with our partners
      Public Health France

      Central purchasing referencing

      Health data hosting

      We are Health Data Host (HDS) of a personal nature since 2012 with ISO 27001/HDS certification since 2019.

      More information

      Commitment and ethics

      Discover our commitments and values ​​in our charter