Complete management of the national neonatal screening program

Today, the majority of children born in mainland France and the overseas departments and territories make a brief passage through the Epiconcept Neonat software. Neonat thus processes the data from the Guthrie tests carried out on approximately 800 newborns each year.

    What are the challenges of neonatal screening?

    Funded by health insurance, the neonatal screening aims to detect and treat six serious childhood illnesses early : phenylketonuria, congenital hypothyroidism, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, sickle cell disease, cystic fibrosis, MCAD deficiency as well as screening for permanent deafness. Since January 1, 2023, 7 new diseases have also been screened with Neonat-web: Primary Carnitine Deficiency, Glutaric Aciduria Type 1, LCHAD Deficiency, Tyrosinemia Type 1, Isovaleric Aciduria, Homocystinuria, Leucinosis.

    Objective: to react in a short time, to prevent the occurrence of manifestations and complications due to these diseases in the baby, in order to limit their severity as much as possible and to put in place preventive measures and treatments.

    Simplified processing of results

    Recovery of analysis results from laboratory automatons
    Edition of dashboards for CRCDNs and Health Insurance

    A permanent quality approach

    Checklists to verify completeness of screening

    A follow-up over time

    Follow-up of newborns screened positive until their treatment
    Register of positives
    Loss of sight management

    A system in continuous evolution

    Evolutions & improvements are carried out constantly, according to national recommendations accompanied by users

    The advantages of our screening solutions combining Epiconcept's dual expertise in health and epidemiology

    An attentive service

    • Personalized support
      when setting up via
      user training

    SaaS full-web solution

    • 100% web-based system, for more flexibility

    A dedicated team for all your questions

    • Corrective maintenance of tools
      necessary for the transfer of results; evolving maintenance ; advice (safety, organization, equipment, etc.).

    Secure health data

    • Software accessible in a way
      secure and hosted on
      servers HDS approved

    Central purchasing referencing

    Health data hosting

    We are Health Data Host (HDS) of a personal nature since 2012 with ISO 27001/HDS certification since 2019.

    More information

    Commitment and ethics

    Discover our commitments and values ​​in our charter