Complete management of organized cancer screening programs with e-SIS 3D

e-SIS 3D is a Online Organized Screening Information System (SIDO), common to CRCDCs (Regional Centers for the Coordination of Cancer Screening) and practitioners.
e-SIS is intended to optimize the path of the patient file for the breast, colorectal and cervical cancers.
Epiconcept, French market leader, responds to the regional organization of the CRCDCs, with its e-SIS 3D information system.

    What are the challenges of organized cancer screening?

    Le organized cancer screening breast, colorectal cancer and cervical cancer is the keystone of the cancer prevention system in France.

    Its objective: to detect pre-cancerous lesions and cancers at an early stage. This is what will subsequently promote less invasive and painful treatments, but also better survival for affected patients. To do this, screening must be facilitated by solutions.

    Breast cancer
    Possible dematerialization of all media and transfer of imagery
    Colorectal cancer
    Full workflow automation
    Cervical cancer
    Secure platform for filing result files and managing Pap smear screening
    and by HPV test

      A single patient file

      Optimized management of patient files and data for the 3 screenings

      Controlled costs

      An economical solution, for a controlled cost of screening

      Practitioners, screening actors

      Eligibility website available for all practitioners wishing to include their patients in the screening program

      A communicating & interoperable SIDO

      e-SIS 3D integrates the main communication flows: apicrypt, easycrypt, MSS, DMP, etc.
      e-SIS 3D adapts to current expectations and allows data exchange with ENRS tools
      (Regional Digital Health Space)

      A digitized SIDO

      e-SIS 3D offers EDM and LAD solutions
      fully integrated into the information system, for the 3 screenings

      More than 70% of CRCDCs equipped in France!

      Discover Franck Guissant, Director of the Screening BU at Epiconcept, who explains in particular how the e-SIS IT solution serves CRCDCs (Regional Cancer Screening Coordination Centers) for the daily management of their screening campaigns among the population French.

      The advantages of our screening solutions combining Epiconcept's dual expertise in health and epidemiology

      An attentive service

      • Personalized support
        when setting up via
        user training

      SaaS full-web solution

      • 100% web-based system, for more flexibility

      A dedicated team for all your questions

      • Corrective maintenance of tools
        necessary for the transfer of results; evolving maintenance ; advice (safety, organization, equipment, etc.).

      Secure health data

      • Software accessible in a way
        secure and hosted on
        servers HDS approved

      Central purchasing referencing

      Health data hosting

      We are Health Data Host (HDS) of a personal nature since 2012 with ISO 27001/HDS certification since 2019.

      More information

      Commitment and ethics

      Discover our commitments and values ​​in our charter