On this page you will find all the documentation made available to users of our Voozanoo software base and its modules dedicated to public health. The documentation is updated regularly, depending on software developments.
Voozanoo 4 and Epicraft
Standard use:
Advanced use:
CSV examples
- Sample file for uploading a page to Epicraft.
- Sample file for uploading dictionaries to Epicraft.
- Example with Google Sheets (to be copied) for pages and variables for Epicraft - with shortcuts for adding variable types and dictionaries
- Example file for uploading users to your Voozanoo 4 project
Video Tutorials
- Data Queries: Using the 'Data Sources' Interface in Epicraft (French)
- Dictionaries: Epicraft's new dictionary interface (French)
- Ads: Setting up and creating ads (english)
- Menus: Creating a Menu System (French)
- Data Management: Creating and Using Filters
- Creation of home pages
- Dictionaries (types: checkboxes) divisible into several columns (in English)
- Creating Calculated Variables
- Creating Consistency Checks
Voozanoo Modules
Mobile app
Voozanoo 3
- General – How to use Voozanoo3, screen by screen
- SQL Examples (Consistency Ctrl, Calculated Variables, and Conditional Display)
- How to format texts and add images.
- Add a variable from an annex table to a listing.
- How to create analyzes and analysis plans
- Set a fixed value
- Put a listing on a form
- How to restore deleted records
- Installation of the file sending module