Crucial role of information systems
for care coordination & care pathways

Range medicine requires cooperation facilitated by the digitization and circulation of health data. It must be based on reliable and efficient health information systems, generalized to all the health professionals involved. Care coordination IS are a keystone of public health organizations, patient information and the collaboration of healthcare professionals

The advantages of our IS and tailor-made projects

Relevance of our technical base

Voozanoo provides the tools needed to implement tailor-made care pathways and patient records: Our customers build forms and pathways within a standardized “skeleton” that we put in place.

Voozanoo meets all enforceable requirements in terms of health data security and user access management.

Scheduling and follow-up of exams (personalized follow-up plans)

Personalized follow-ups are configurable for each type of patient.

Patient access

We have standardized the opening of patient access: secure activation of the user account, fully customizable home page. The patient can consult his file, leave messages, be notified of upcoming examinations or even answer self-questionnaires pre or post visit or intervention.

Tailor-made patient file and care pathway

The systems put in place make it possible to define the path of the patient and to carry out his follow-up throughout this course, by associating all the actors of the follow-up.

Management of documents associated with the file

Voozanoo allows printing to be configured at any time in the patient's journey: prescriptions, reports, etc.

Attachments can be associated with the folder at any time during navigation. Access to these documents is then conditioned by the access rights of the users.

Networked patient follow-up

The patient is attached to one or more treatment centres. Each healthcare professional can access their patients and be alerted in real time of the results of an examination.

Access security

Access is secured for all types of profiles, including patients, in accordance with enforceable standards.

Hosting HDS

The entire hosting service provided by Epiconcept on the platform Voozanoo is covered by the ISO 27001 HDS certification. This certification guarantees compliance with the legal framework around the security and confidentiality of health data.

    Examples of Patient Records & Care Path projects

    MdM Belgium

    In order to monitor and organize the care of beneficiaries in Belgium and abroad (Balkans, Tunisia), Médecins du Monde Belgium entrusted Epiconcept with the design of a medico-social Patient File adapted to the specific requirements of its activity.


    Sponsor: French Polynesia Health Department
    Dates: 2021 – ongoing

    Realization of the information system for the rheumatoid arthritis screening and registry acute in French Polynesia

    Personalized PHARE care plan

    Sponsor: Call for projects from the INCa (National Cancer Institute), the Grand Ouest region is launching its online information system.
    Dates: 2010-still ongoing

    Creation of a patient journey management file to ensure network monitoring of people hereditarily predisposed to cancer

    SESAME (Mental Health Team Care)

    The Institut Montaigne, as part of a collaborative care pilot, entrusted Epiconcept with the development of a solution allowing the collection and sharing of clinical data between nurses and psychiatrists for screening and management, in medicine. general, frequent psychiatric disorders in adults.

      Central purchasing referencing

      Health data hosting

      We are Health Data Host (HDS) of a personal nature since 2012 with ISO 27001/HDS certification since 2019.

      More information

      Commitment and ethics

      Discover our commitments and values ​​in our charter