Secure web platform for managing studies

E-Cohorte is a secure web platform allowing efficient collection and processing of information collected in the context of population cohort studies.

The advantages of our e-cohort platform

An architecture that guarantees data partitioning

The data is natively distributed over several modules in order to ensure permeability and security.

Autonomous management

The editing tool allows scientific teams to configure the forms but also to have control over the fine management of invitation campaigns some participants.

Expertise resulting from more than 10 years of collaboration

Epiconcept has been supporting several research teams for more than ten years. the know-how of our employees best meet specific needs.

Accommodation / HDS

Epiconcept is ISO 27001 / HDS certified. We work on both shared offers but can, depending on the needs, offer dedicated architectures.

    Examples of e-cohort projects


    Sponsor: INSERM
    Dates: 2014-2022

    E4N is the largest health study within the family. Conducted by Inserm, it addresses health links – lifestyle among people'the same family, three generations. Its objective: to better understand the factors of'appearance of diseases and the roles of genetics, family environment and the extra-familial environment.


    Sponsor: INED/INSERM
    Dates: 2010 – ongoing

    Longitudinal study devoted to the follow-up of'children of the birth at'adulthood. Elf addresses aspects of their life under the'angle of social sciences, health and health-environment conjunction.


    Sponsor: INSERM U823
    Dates: 2013 – ongoing

    This couple-child cohort aims to characterize the exposure pregnant women and children to contaminants from the environment, to study and better understand their effet possible on the health of the pregnant woman, the fœyou and of the child.

    France Cohorts

    Sponsor: INSERM DSI
    Dates: 2020 – ongoing

    Many cohorts have been formed in fil of years per different units within the'INSERM. the France-Cohortes project aims to provide a platform to make transversal a certain number of practices and'tools. Within this platform, we finds an application layer dedicated to the collection of data. This project partially covers the'implementation and l'industrialization of this collection layer with the aim d'optimize the establishment of cohorts.


    Sponsor: Public Health France, Health, Environment and Work Department
    Dates: 2016 – ongoing

    COSET aims to describe and monitor the links between occupational factors and the occurrence of health needs

    EPIAGE 2

    Sponsor: INSERM
    Dates: 2011 – ongoing

    Initiated in 2011 by Inserm, the project Epipage 2 aim for better to know the future of premature children born in France metropolitan and overseas.


    Dates: 2016 – ongoing

    ELENA is a prospective, multicenter cohort in which are monitored 900 children under 16 with a diagnosis of spectrum disorder'autism.


    Sponsor: Ministry of Solidarity and Health and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research
    Dates: 2020 – ongoing

    At the request of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health and of the ministry of'higher education and Research, France s'is organized to contribute to l'evaluation of the most promising vaccine candidates with the implementation of the COVIREIVAC platform.

    Driven by the'Inserm, COVIREIVAC federates 24 centers d'clinical investigation within university hospitals throughout France, in close collaboration with the National College of General Practitioners teachers. The clinical operational component of different CHU does the'object of'coordination supported by the'AP- HP.

    The system d'information for registering volunteers to conduct the first large-scale clinical trials scale in France was developed by Epiconcept on the base of its e-Cohorts platform.


    Dates: 2015 – ongoing

    AGRICAN is a cohort intended to answer the question of the link between occupational exposure in agriculture and many related sectors and the risk of cancer.


    Sponsor: INSERM UMS 011
    Dates: 2013-2021

    CONSTANCES is a generalist epidemiological cohort consisting of a representative sample of 200 adults, aged 18 to 69 at inclusion and consulting Social Security health examination centers.


    Sponsor: Inserm
    Dates: 2019 – ongoing

    Epiconcept supports Inserm and the Scientific and Technical Center for Building (CSTB), in partnership with the School of Advanced Studies in Public Health, in the deployment of the first epidemiological study on indoor air quality and respiratory health children in crèches. Named CRESPI, this project is based on setting up a cohort of 1500 to 2500 children, from a sample of 100 nurseries in Ile de France.
    Three types of data are under study:

    • Measurements in the air and dust on the ground of chemical pollutants and microbiota (bacterial flora)
    • The composition of all products used in nurseries
    • Information on the health of children and nursery staff, via questionnaires and applications.

    The innovative nature of the project concerns the assessment of exposure and respiratory health through smartphone applications. For the purposes of the study, the nursery staff and the parents of the participating children scan the barcodes of the cleaning products they use and document their frequency and use. The knowledge provided by CRESPI makes it possible to better understand the causes of the occurrence of respiratory diseases, such as asthma, and to develop preventive actions.

      Central purchasing referencing

      Health data hosting

      We are Health Data Host (HDS) of a personal nature since 2012 with ISO 27001/HDS certification since 2019.

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      Commitment and ethics

      Discover our commitments and values ​​in our charter