- Epiconcept has approached the Softway Medical Group enabling strategic complementarity in e-health, data science and epidemiology in the service of population health. More information
- During its seminar in June 2024 on the Ile de Ré, Epiconcept launched its transformation project into Company at Mission !! Or how to integrate a purpose and social and environmental commitments into the company's statutes to strengthen its positive impact.
The milestone of 100 employees was reached in 2023 with the welcome of 20 new employees over the year. 3 employees born after the year 2000 were hired!
The various teams based in France (Paris region and other regions), Europe and the Indian Ocean have been strengthened to best meet the expectations of our customers.
EPICONCEPT strengthens its position as a key player in flagship projects in Epidemiology, Data science, e-Cohort Management, Prevention and Screening such as:
- VEBIS(Vaccine Effectiveness Burden and Impact Studies) whose objective is to provide technical support to the ECDC in order to regularly monitor the effectiveness of COVID-19 and the influenza vaccine over time, using a multi-faceted approach. -country.
- Prevention Health Suite (more than 130 health structures trust us & + 1500 users use our SSP solution on a daily basis),
- e-SIS (more than 5 million screenings for 3 cancers – breast, colorectal, cervical – have been carried out in mainland France & DOM TOM),
– SI for the declaration of BIOCID for ANSES,
– Computerization of Acute Articular Rheumatism Registry (AAR) in French Polynesia,
- The integration of AI for epidemiological surveillance with the ECDC,
- Project e-QuoL (Quality of Life) for monitoring pediatric cancers as part of a Horizon Europe project.
Epiconcept validates the renewal of the ISO 27001 HDS certification. As a health data host (HDS), this certification is the guarantee of security and quality.
More than sixty associations and NGOs trust Epiconcept NGO, using SAGA, HOMERE and SAGA STOCK on a daily basis for the management of support services (finance, logistics, HR) in their areas of intervention.
NeoScope to e-SIS 3D ! e-SIS 3D is a Online Organized Screening Information System (SIDO) for cancers, common to CRCDCs and practitioners.
Creation by a group of collaborators of "Epifood", taste animation allowing to value the culinary talents of some and to make benefit all the teams!
Epiconcept celebrates 25 years serving public health actors! Official date in 2021, having had to be postponed due to a large number of infected employees...
Epiconcept coordinates the VEBIS project (Vaccine Effectiveness, Burden and Impact Studies) aimed at measuring the effectiveness of vaccines against COVID-19 and seasonal influenza in the EU/EEA
The 4 associates of Epiconcept are Loïc Flachet, Guillaume Jeannerod, Valérie Nancey and Etienne Sévin
In April 2021 Epiconcept moves to more beautiful, higher premises to see the Eiffel Tower and magnificent sunsets!
Participation in the response to the Covid health crisis. All the teams will be mobilized for months to support the institutions in charge of the response to the epidemic as closely as possible.
Creation of the brand Epiconcept NGO.
Epiconcept is certified Personal health data host HDS.
Creation d'Epiconcept Indian Ocean, to strengthen the teams of the Epiconcept group and strengthen its service offer.
Epiconcept passes the milestone of 50 people.
Epiconcept participates in the response to the epidemic in Ebola virus by making its team of epidemiologists available to the WHO in Guinea
Epiconcept obtains approval “personal health data host”
Birth of the 2nd SSP module (Prevention Health Suite) DAMOC
Epiconcept is selected to coordinate the network for the surveillance and investigation of epidemics in the Indian Ocean
Birth of the Module Cupidon, 1st module of the SSP (Prevention Health Suite)
Epiconcept coordinates the European network I-MOVE for measuring the effectiveness and impact of influenza vaccines
Epiconcept creates a epidemiology department with 3 main activities: operational research, training and service activities
Epiconcept is rapidly becoming a key player in the coordination of international surveillance networks.
The first version of Voozanoo, the technical base of Epiconcept, is born
Etienne Sévin and Loïc Flachet join the partners of Epiconcept
Epiconcept resists the year 2000 bug
After several years spent in the scientific department of Médecins Sans Frontières, Gilles Desvé, Daniel Cauët, Valérie Nancey and Guillaume Jeannerod create Epiconcept with the aim of providing IT solutions to public health actors