Charter of commitment

Epiconcept Group charter


Epiconcept Group is made up of computer scientists, doctors, pharmacists, biologists, epidemiologists and data scientists. Its mission, as well as that of its subsidiaries, is to contribute to the improvement of public health programs by strengthening knowledge of diseases and by providing the various players with technological tools, expertise and advice.


The values ​​of Epiconcept Group are: quality, ethics, responsibility and commitment.

positive economy

From the standpoint economic, Epiconcept Group seeks viable solutions necessary to finance the development of the company (consolidation, innovation, improvement of quality, remuneration of employees, etc.) and of the individuals who
Epiconcept Group defines itself as a company associating profitability and general interest.


Epiconcept Group conducts its business with honesty and integrity, respecting the interests of all those with whom it has dealings. Epiconcept Group refrains from any act of corruption with the aim of promoting its business or obtaining financial advantages. Epiconcept Group also refuses to engage in activities that may lead to conflicts of interest. Epiconcept Group expects all its employees to commit to respecting these same rules and pays particular attention to its partners.

Scientific independence

Epiconcept Group conducts research activities and evaluates research programs independently. Epiconcept Group's scientific approach is conducted independently of economic, political or ideological pressures, even though it also aims to respond to economic or social problems, even though it is conducted in a entrepreneurial context.

Use of free licenses

In order to develop and enrich the common heritage, Epiconcept Group is committed to a process of using free licenses for its productions: software, algorithms, documents and data (eg GNU GPL, Creative Commons, R project) .

Professional commitment

Epiconcept Group considers commercial ethics as a fundamental element of professional practices. Epiconcept Group undertakes, at a minimum, to carry out its activities in accordance with the letter and the spirit of the laws applicable in the countries where it is present.
It is Epiconcept Group's policy to require its directors, officers, employees and representatives to adopt a professional conduct characterized byhonesty and integrity.
Epiconcept Group intends that communications and relations with all parties concerned be marked by sincerity and transparency. Labor relations are based on candor and openness, with everyone treating others with fairness and respect, while demonstrating integrity in determining responsibilities to all parties involved.
Epiconcept Group respects the right to information protection and security which he holds. It protects the confidential information at its disposal and uses it only within the framework of the missions entrusted to it, in compliance with the expectations of the partners concerned and the legal framework in force. Epiconcept Group pays particular attention to the personal health data that it may have to handle.
Epiconcept Group is committed to providing services and a working environment that respects the best professional practices :

  • independence of mind,
  • Probity and human sense,
  • Personal development,
  • Absence of any prejudice in terms of gender, race, politics, socio-economic category and religion,
  • High level of professional skills,
  • Attentive listening to needs,
  • Proposed appropriate answer,
  • Guaranteed consistent quality.

Respect the environment

Epiconcept Group is committed to the use of practices respecting the environment with its partners and strives to apply high standards of environmental monitoring and mitigation measures in its own operations and in the projects it supports.
As the environment is everyone's responsibility, Epiconcept Group considers the awareness, education and training of its employees a priority.

Central purchasing referencing

Health data hosting

We are Health Data Host (HDS) of a personal nature since 2012 with ISO 27001/HDS certification since 2019.

More information

Commitment and ethics

Discover our commitments and values ​​in our charter